Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Random Kitchen Things

So I have been a slacker with blogging lately because of the holidays.  I didn't have to take too many dishes to places and I ate meals that other people cooked.... then ate the leftovers =)  So there hasn't been much cooking going on lately besides a couple recipes I don't feel are worth sharing.

But I did want to post a couple of things that I have "discovered" recently and wondered why I ever cooked without them.

Kitchen Scale
I picked up a cheapie from Meijer and it makes things soooo much easier.  Especially pasta.  Totally worth it.  Pick one up for under $20.

Little bottles of wine
My husband and I don't really drink wine... but a lot of these fancy pants recipes call for it.  What to do....I have no idea why it didn't dawn on me to pick these little guys up.  Each bottle is a cup, which is perfect.

Cast Iron Grill Press
This puppy makes some deliciously crunchy grilled sandwiches and takes up way less space than like a panini press.

Squeeze bottle minced garlic
Don't laugh.  I am lazy and have zero desire to use fresh garlic and mince it all up.  This isn't as good as the 'real' thing, but it is way convenient and fast!  Try it out.

Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer
This isn't really new to me recently... but I love this thing almost as much as the apple crisp I make with it.  Totally worth it.

Yes I know none of these products is revolutionary but maybe you will discover something on this list that you haven't tried yet.  Happy cooking!

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