Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm back... kind of.

Yes, I am a terrible person.  I abandoned my food blog for over a month.  To tell you the truth, it was feeling a little like homework and I was getting annoyed.  I think I will start posting again, maybe just a couple things per month.  The biggest problem I am facing is that after trying all these new recipes over the past year, I keep making them!  So I have nothing new to blog when I am just making the same thing all the time.

My focus has also changed for the moment.  I am now making a lot more recipes that are super cheap and easy.  Now, this doesn't mean gourmet food... and I am betting most food bloggers don't post this kind of stuff.  Too bad.  So if you are gonna get all nuts on me about opening several canned foods to make a recipe... you should probably leave now.  But if you are looking for some cheap easy recipes to add to your weekly routine, you may want to stick around because I have a couple saved up.

Thanks for coming back.... I plan on posting one recipe today and hoarding the rest for later.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the cheap and easy ones! Those are some of my favorite recipes!

    Reading the newest recipe is making me hungry, I may have to see if I have all the stuff for that one!
