Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Snow Peas

I needed a new side. Something simple and yummy. I made these with the Chicken Finger recipe above. They weren't the most delicious veggie side I have ever had in my life, but they were very good. You should try this too if you are looking for something a little different than a can of green beans or something.

Snow Peas
Serves: 2

-2 servings of fresh snow peas (I don't know how much!), cleaned and tips snipped
-2 tablespoons butter
-1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
-salt to taste

1. Boil a small pot of water. Throw in snow peas. Boil until desired tenderness (we like 5 minutes). Drain and set aside.

2. In the same pot, melt the butter. Throw in the cayenne and the peas and mix to coat. Sprinkle in some salt. Serve. See? Easy.

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