Monday, May 11, 2009


I have mixed feelings about these. I am not sure I will do them again because I think it is just easier to get premade that taste better. Matt liked them but I was kind of neutral. So I will post this anyway.

Won Ton Ravioli
Serves: 3

-1 package won ton wrappers (I found them at Meijer by the refrigerated bagged salads & mushrooms)
-Filling of your choice (I just made a lasagna filling of beef, onion, ricotta, and seasonings)

1. Get a large pot of water boiling. Turn down the heat to a slow boil.

2. Lay out half a package of won ton wrappers in a single layer. I used my cookie scoop to place a small scoop of the meat mixture in the center of the wrapper. Take your finger and dip in some water and paint any exposed edges of the wrapper. Place another wrapper on top and press down to seal. It is important to seal it otherwise you will have a ravioli explosion in the pot of water and make a mess.

3. Drop the ravioli a couple at a time into the water. Lightly boil for a couple minutes. They will float when they are done. Carefully scoop out and drain and place on a plate. Top with sauce and cheese as desired.

1 comment:

  1. I agree premade looks easier. lol. I do love the versatility of a good won ton wrapper though.

    kuddos for making the effort!!
