Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shrimp Prima-scampi

I wanted pasta primavera and I wanted shrimp scampi... sooooo tada! This was tasty! Just remember this isn't supposed to be sop-it-up-with-garlic-bread saucy.

Shrimp Prima-scampi
Serves: 2

+1/2 box linguine
+1/2 bag shrimp, thawed & tails removed
+4-5 tablespoons butter
+Splash of olive oil
+4 cloves garlic, minced
+palmful of dried parsley
+fat palmful of dried basil
+1 box of Green Giant Immunity blend veggies
+Sprinkle of red pepper flakes

1. Cook the pasta per package directions.
2. Meanwhile in a large skillet, saute the shrimp and garlic in 2 tablespoons of butter and a splash of olive oil. Add in the remaining butter, herbs & veggies and the red pepper flakes (to taste). Add the 5th tablespoon of butter if you deem it necessary.
3. When the shrimp and veggies are cooked thru, toss in the pasta.
4. Serve. Top with a little sprinkling of parm if you like.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm. I have a bag of shrimp in the freezer that is quickly getting freezer burn. I should probably use it...maybe this one will be the one. Although Lindsay will be mad at me if I don't make PW's Pasta A La Betsy soon.
