Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blog Fail

Ok I am sad. I have been very intrigued by the girl who used her crockpot every day for a year... I have been searching her blog for things to make. The first recipe I didn't like. This is the second one.... and we didn't like it. So her blog is 0-2 in my book. I don't think we will be making anything from her anymore =(

This isn't my picture... I took a couple, but I am so bitter about this recipe I am not even going to bother posting my own and stole hers. It smelled good... tasted like barf.

Here is the original recipe. Maybe it is just not the flavors we like... since her family enjoyed it. Doesn't matter, it sucked.


  1. Haha.

    Try her Cream Cheese Chicken one. We really liked it. The are right.

    I will be posting it on my site soon.

    Here is the link:

  2. yeah that one is like my chicken cheesey yum yum below.... THAT was good, but i didn't get it from her!

  3. yeah, oh dear!! kinda like the crock pot brown sugar chicken i smelled amazing but tasted like something I would not make again...chad liked it, but he usually eats anything. lol! I cant imagine putting the applesauce w/ chicken...sometimes, I cant eat savory & sweet together - that would be chicken & applesauce, lol!

  4. yeah it really wasn't sweet.. the applesauce was more for moisture. it was the combo of the seasonings ... i can't put my finger on it, it was just gross

  5. Hahaha! That is how I feel about my Crock Pot cookbook! I have this new fancy Crock Pot, but feel like I can only make 2 things in it that are decent!

  6. I tried this same recipe! It was just awful. I haven't dared try any other of her recipes. I can't believe her kids would eat it. I couldn't even be in the same room.
