Sunday, September 14, 2008

Easiest Fruit Salad Ever...

We were going to a Labor Day potluck at a friend's house and needed a dish to pass. It sounded like they had most things taken care of but no fruit! This is a family favorite of mine and we even serve it at Thanksgiving. You can pretty much make it with whatever fruit you like and in whatever quantity you like. This is what I did THIS time...

Fruit Salad
Serves: a crowd

In a large bowl, combine your favorite fruits:
-1/2 container blueberries
-3/4 container sliced strawberries
-lots of green grapes
-lots of red grapes
-1 granny smith apple, peeled and chunked
-1 braeburn or fuji apple, peeled and chunked
-1 can pineapple chunks, very well drained
-1 small can mandarin oranges, very well drained

Add about 8 ounces of Cool Whip and blend gently. There should just be enough whipped topping to coat the fruit but not in big blobs. Keep refrigerated! Ta da!

1. Bananas will get mushy in this salad, so if you are not eating it immediately, I do not recommend using them.
2. Leftovers of this are great... however, the longer it sits, the more watery it will get!
3. Be sure to lick the lid of the Cool Whip container. What? That's the best!
4. Chocolate Cool Whip makes this fruit salad very interesting ;)

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